Tag Archives: grandprix

DEF CON CTF 2013 – Grandprix

The grandprix challenges requires us to connect to a server where we can play an ascii game. According to the assignment text, we are advised to avoid the zebras.

Let’s check out the game first using netcat:

$ nc grandprix.shallweplayaga.me 2038
nc: using stream socket
Use 'l' and 'r' to move. Don't crash.
Press return to start
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The games starts with an empty field. Obviously, our position is indicated by an u. We fiddle around a little to learn how the game works. Sending an r moves the player one step right, a l one left and a s or an empty line moves the player straight forward.

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The more we move along, the more obstacles appear. A T marks a tree and the Zebras we were warned about are indicated by a Z.
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